Venice, Holland


While researching for my trip overseas at the end of the year i’ve come across quite a few extraordinary places i’d like to go. This tiny village was of particular interest as even from the unimpressive images on google i began to feel like i had been dropped right into a fairytale. This romantically preserved and peacefully quiet village hasn’t got a single road, but rather is connected through waterways and paths, making it both literally and figuratively, a much needed breath of fresh air. The fact that this town is uninterrupted by the tireless hum of engines or  lacks the thick smog of the city doesn’t seem to be its only upside. The simply enchanting and classically dutch town houses are able to pull you away from reality, and isn’t that the ultimate goal?

“Reality can be beaten with enough imagination.” ― Mark Twain

The town, which goes by ‘Giethoorn’ is about 40 minutes from Zwolle, 1 hour and 40 minutes from Amsterdam and about the same from Rotterdam, appropriately secluded but not inconveniently distant.